Yes, he said "bvacations/b and the arts." So once we have Obamacare, and you are sitting around waiting for a hip replacement or a CAT scan, remember that tax revenues are being better spent on bvacations/b or perhaps the performance art of that lady who ... whose articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, Washington Times, National Review, Harper's, Commentary, The (London) Spectator, Le Figaro (bParis/b), and elsewhere. ...
Romania, patria Micului bParis/b. Romania e situata la intersectia Europei centrale, de sud si de vest, invecinandu-se cu Ucraina si Republica Moldova in nord si est, cu Ungaria si Serbia la vest, Bulgaria la sud si are iesire la Marea Neagra in sud-est. ? Citeşte mai mult b..../b Poze din Romania. bPestera/b Ursilor din Chiscau andreeac85; Joaca Oweu; Partie Oweu; ciupercute diana-s ...